What is the homopolymer PDADMAC?
PDADMAC is the homopolymer of DADMAC(Dially Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride)
Polydadmacs are organic polymers used in water and waste water treatment.
Organic coagulants like polydadmacs are used alone or in conjunction with metallic aluminum coagulants like ACH, Alum to enhance performance as well as to meet stringent environmental guidelines.
Polydadmacs provide wider spectrum of impurity removal where conventional metallic coagulants may struggle.
In general organic coagulants like polydadmacs need lesser dosage and produces lesser byproduct sludge volume when compared to conventional metallic treatments.
Polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDADMAC) is a homopolymer of diallyldimethylammonium chloride (DADMAC), well known as one part of our product series.
These organic coagulants are liquid, cationic polymers of differing molecular weights.
They work effectively as primary coagulants and charge neutralization agents.
PDADMAC is often used in filtration applications or in conjunction with our flocculant products.
These polymers are highly effective in many water treatment clarification processes.
PDADMAC and/or cationic polyamines can also be used in combination with our flocculant and coagulant products to lower overall treatment costs.
What can polydadmacs be used in conjunction with ?
Organic coagulants like polydadmacs are used alone or in conjunction with metallic aluminum coagulants like ACH, Alum to enhance performance as well as to meet stringent environmental guidelines. Polydadmacs provide wider spectrum of impurity removal where conventional metallic coagulants may struggle.
Keywords: Dadmac polymer, Polydadmac,polydadmac powder
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